Tuesday 20 January 2009

Not as much carnage as expected

SO it went off quite well actually. 

Other than the fact the flag was upside down, and I cut myself... (on a kitchen knife, nothing more serious than that)

The idea being that a patrol runs the entire night, with no real help from us, to give them an idea of how much effort it is to co-ordinate and sort things out week after week. 

First up- was good, started with a game of quarters, or some such thing, with the novel way of non random selection for teams. which worked ok actually, and then let loose. It was good as there was no physical contact, but still very competitive- which is a good thing to think about. 

Then a game of wink murder, swiftly followed by getting on with the evening. 

As leaders we were tyring to be slightly disruptive, just to give it an edge, but not too bad. 

During the cooking, Braddles and I did most of the prep work, while Whitey sorted out 3 of them for investiture next week. 

Each team was given the same ingredients in the style of ready steady cook, and off we went. 

Mild chaos ensued, but I made sure we concentrated on our own stuff, and didnt intefere, letting the duty guys get on with keeping order and making sure nothing drastic happened. Which worked quite well. 

Food was done by 9pm, and as a point for future cooking stuff, it should be noted that hot water and bowls should be out on the tables for immediate washing up use, to expediate clearing up at the end. 

The leaders and the duty guys ended up staying for about 20 mins after, clearing stuff up, but was kind of to be expected really. 

oh, and the leaders are clearly kicking butt when it comes to getting points. 

a success so far. Lets see what happens next week. 

Ye Gads. 

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