Thursday 29 January 2009

Second week

Well the second week giving control of the night over to a patrol was not as successful as the first.

The night did not even start well, as no one in the patrol managed to turn up on time. When the first of the patrol turning up I had decided that no one was coming so started the evening myself.

Patrol turned up just as we broke parade for games asking for time to prepare for the evening. So whilst our 'leaders' prepare for the evening the scouts got changed for games and we play two rounds of the Minute game (All sit down count out 60 seconds and stand up when you think the minute is up, Closest one to a minute wins).

The 'Leaders' now 'organised' ran their first game of the evening. Which was a one on one football game (split the unit into two teams giving each member of a team a number. When your number is called you run up and try to score a goal before your opponent).

This game was cut short and not all the scouts got a turn. when some of the other 'leaders' decided that is was time for the next activity, painting. Each Patrol was given a selection of brushes, a palette of paint and a canvas a where told to paint a portrait of their patrol leader. This was given no dead line as it seemed that the had no further plans for the evening. The majority of the scouts soon getting restless and the painting activity did not really involve the entire patrol. So pretty quickly carnage ensued.

At this point it was decided that the actual leader would take over as the patrol had completely lost control of the evening. We got the paintings cleaned away and got the patrol to mark the paintings and the had out points.

before the evening ended we invested a new member. make the count up to 6 investitures in the year already.

Next weeks leading patrol have ask everyone to bring along a baby photo, which should be interesting.

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